This article is an approach to the physiology of coagulation. Several resources  (videos, animations and tutorials) are presented to help the reader learn the key coagulation factors and pathways.

Coagulation cascade: extrinsic, intrinsic and common pathways differentiation

Video animation contents:

Extrinsic, intinsic and common pathways

Hemostasis overview

The following animation depicts the process of hemostasis after endothelial damage (vasoconstriction, platelet adhesion, activation, interaction between coagulation factors and thrombin activation).



Coagulation cascade learning module

This tutorial features interactive exercises and animations that help understand the role of coagulation cascade factors and physiological hemostatic processes.

It highlights clinical disorders on intrinsic and extrinsic pathways, with a special section overviewing Von Willebrand’s disease.


Clotting cascade learning module

Coagulation factors commented

This animation focuses exclusively on the coagulation cascade factors and its sequence of activation. It emphasises biochemical and laboratory aspects.


Coagulation factors

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