PowerPoint on neuromuscular blockers pharmacology: mechanism of action, classification, uses, interactions and more
Neuromuscular blockers: mechanism of action, duration,adverse effects, interactions, cla ssification.By the Dpt. of Pharmacology. Univ. of Beirut
The largest case of scientific misconduct to date ?
Found via Pharmola: “Scott S. Reuben, MD, of Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Mass., a pioneer in the area of multimodal analgesia, is said to have fabricated his results in at least 21, and perhaps many more, articles dating back to 1996. The confirmed articles were published in Anesthesiology, Anesthesia and Analgesia, the Journal of […]
USMLE video lecture review on propofol
Video review on chemistry, mechanism of action and pharmacokinetics of propofol (short-acting intravenous sedative agent, used for the induction of general anesthesia). Quite useful when you get tired of studying pharmacology.
Pharmacology mnemonic. Inhalational anaesthetics
Inhalational anesthetics SHINE: Sevoflurane Halothane Isoflurane Nitrous oxide Enflurane Thanks to MedExcel