Pharmacology mnemonic: drugs that induce enzymatic metabolism
Metabolism enzyme inducers “Randy’s Black Car Goes Putt Putt and Smokes “: Rifampin Barbiturates Carbamazepine Grisoefulvin Phenytoin Phenobarb Smoking cigarettes Thanks to MedExcel
Serotonin syndrome
Serotonin syndrome is a predictable clinical feature that involves excess serotonergic agonism of central nervous system (CNS) receptors and peripheral serotonergic receptors. The following PowerPoint was published on Stanford School of Medicine’s Scalpel: Serotoninn syndrome features Download: Serotonin syndrome PPT file MedExcel posted recently a mnemonic to remember the clinical components of serotonin syndrome Causes HARM: […]
Mnemonic to remember which benzodiazepines don’t have hepatic metabolism
Benzodiazepines: ones not metabolized by the liver (safe to use in liver failure) LOT: Lorazepam Oxazepam Temazepam Thanks to MedExcel Remember to check the animation on the mechanism of action of benzodiazepines.
Opioid antagonists mnemonic. Naloxone and naltrexone
A quite simple but effective mnemonic from MedExcel: Narcotic antagonists The Narcotic Antagonists are NAloxone and NAltrexone. _ Important clinically to treat narcotic overdose.
Phenytoin adverse effects mnemonic
Phenytoin: adverse effects PHENYTOIN: P-450 interactions Hirsutism Enlarged gums (Gingival hyperplasia, the most common) Nystagmus Yellow-browning of skin Teratogenicity Osteomalacia Interference with B12 metabolism (hence anemia) Neuropathies: vertigo, ataxia, headache Thanks to MedExcel
Mnemonic for drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease
Parkinsonism: drugs SALAD: Selegiline Anticholinenergics (trihexyphenidyl, benzhexol, ophenadrine) L-Dopa + peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor (carbidopa, benserazide) Amantadine Dopamine postsynaptic receptor agonists (bromocriptine, lisuride, pergolide, pramipexole)
Mnemonic for direct sympathomimetic catecholamines
Direct sympathomimetic catecholamines mnemonic DINED: Dopamine Isoproterenol Norepinephrine Epinephrine Dobutamine Thanks to MedExcel
Pharmacology mnemonic. Inhalational anaesthetics
Inhalational anesthetics SHINE: Sevoflurane Halothane Isoflurane Nitrous oxide Enflurane Thanks to MedExcel
Pharmacology mnemonics. Direct sympathomimetic catecholamines
Direct sympathomimetic catecholamines DINED: Dopamine Isoproterenol Norepinephrine Epinephrine Dobutamine Thanks to MedExcel
Pharmacology mnemonic. Anticholinergic side effects
Anticholinergic side effects “Know the ABCD’S of anticholinergic side effects”: Anorexia Blurry vision Constipation/ Confusion Dry Mouth Sedation/ Stasis of urine Thanks to MedExcel
Pharmacology mnemonic. Beta 1 and beta 2 receptor location.
Beta-1 vs Beta-2 receptor location “You have 1 heart and 2 lungs”: Beta-1are therefore primarily on heart Beta-2 primarily on lungs Thanks to Medexcel
Pharmacology mnemonic. Thrombolytic agents
Thrombolytic agents USA: Urokinase Streptokinase Alteplase (tPA) Thanks to MedExcel
Pharmacology mnemonic. Propylthiouracil (PTU) mechanism of action.
Propylthiouracil (PTU) mode of action It inhibits PTU: Peroxidase/Peripheral deiodination Tyrosine iodination Union (coupling) Thanks to Medexcel
Pharmacology Mnemonics. Warfarin: action, monitoring, MOA
Warfarin: action, monitoring WePT: Warfarin works on the extrinsic pathway and is monitored by PT. Warfarin: metabolism SLOW : _ Has a slow onset of action. _ A quicK Vitamin K antagonist, though. Small lipid-soluble molecule Liver: site of action Oral route of administration. Warfarin Thanks to MedExcel