Image credit: Ricardo Vidal at Biotech
Once again, PharmaMotion is hosting a blog carnival. This time is the turn of Gene Genie, a carnival dedicated to cover the buzz around the web about genetics (with some orientation to personalized genetics). I hope that PharmaMotion readers find it interesting..
- US PharmD compiled an excellent list of the top 50 genetics blogs
- Antisense therapy explained in plain english throgh a flash animation
- Following with the race of discovering the genetic basis of disease, three genes linked to obesity have been identified
- This week at a succint yet interesting article about acoustic neuroma.
- At “Future Pundit” they discuss the implications that home genetic engineering may bring about.
Personalized genetics
- Getting to know your genetic future may not be as fascinating as it sounds: The burden of knowing. Genetic sequencing and what you might find out, at “The Medical Quack”.
- What is pharmacogenomics? A PowerPoint explains this in detail.
- Eye on DNA Interview: Dr. Tzung-Fu Hsieh of RedTracer DNA Test for the Red Hair Gene, MC1R
- A father tries to find through genetics the answers to his son’s rare condition: Do it yourself genetic diagnosis, at “Mary Meets Dolly”
- SNPwatch: New Psoriasis SNPs Found for both Europeans and Asians, by “The Spitton” (Creators of 23 and me)
- Gene Sherpas: Navigenics does market research, finally.
- Non consensual genetic testing raises debate at “Genetic Future”.
- Genome analysis services now cover: deCODEme Cardio and deCODEme Cancer.
- Thanks to Genie Genie I discovered the excellent “In the pipeline”: Ten Years After: The Genomics Frenzy by Derek Lowe.
- Bertalán Mesko at ScienceRoll: Navigenics Interview: Annual Insight