Respiratory drugs table: pharmacology of asthma and COPD

The Dept. of Pharmacology at University of Utah posted in their website tables to review respiratory pharmacology. This study aid analizes therapeutic uses & specificity, toxicity and side effects of the following drug classes: Bronchodilators: epinephrine, Ephedrine, Isoproterenol, Terbutaline, Isoetharine, Ipratropium bromide, Theophylline, Aminophylline. Leukotriene D4 receptors antagonists:Zafirlukast, Zileutron. Inhibition of mast cell degranulation: Cromolyn […]

Pharmacology mnemonic: Beta 2 agonists

A mnemonic to remember the Beta 2 agonists agents: B2agonist……SMART 1)Salmeterol 2)Metaproterenol (Orciprenaline) 3)Albuterol 4)Ritodrine 5)Terbutaline Posted by SDK at Prep4USMLE Forum: Pharmacology Forum

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