Infusion kinetics definition

The following pharmacology definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Infusion Kinetics: Infusion, as a means of drug administration, involves an effectively continuous flow of a drug solution into the blood stream over a relatively long period of time. (Intravascular injections are separate administrations […]

Elimination rate constant (kel) definition

The following pharmacology definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. kel: The “elimination rate constant” for a drug eliminated according to the laws of first-order reaction kinetics; the slope of the plot of the logarithm of concentration against time, when natural logarithms, i.e. logarithms […]

Equivalence definition in pharmacology: three kinds of equivalence

The following pharmacology definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Equivalence: In 1969, a federal Task Force on Prescription Drugs recommended that the words “generic equivalents” no longer be used in describing and comparing drug preparations. The Task Force recommended that an appropriate nomenclature […]

Potency of a drug. Equipotent drug definition

The following pharmacology definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Equipotent: Equally potent, or equally capable of producing a pharmacologic effect of a specified intensity. The masses of the drugs required to produce this degree of effect may be compared, quantitatively, to

Dose response curve definition in plain english.

An explanation in plain english of the dose-response curves, by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences: One of the most important principles of pharmacology, and of much of research in general, is a concept called “dose-response.” Just as the term implies, this notion refers to the relationship between some effect—let’s say, lowering of blood […]

Pharmacology glossary. Dose duration curve definition

The following pharmacological definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Dose-Duration Curve: The curve describing the relationship between dose (as the independent variable) and duration of drug effect (as the dependent variable, T). The slope of the curve is always positive, in contrast to

Pharmacodynamics. Cross tolerance definition

The following pharmacological definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Cross-Tolerance: Tolerance to a drug that generalizes to drugs that are chemically related of that produce similar affects. For example, a patient who is tolerant to heroin will also exhibit cross-tolerance to morphine. The […]

Clinical trials. Cross-Over Experiment definition

The following pharmacological definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Cross-Over Experiment: A form of experiment in which each subject receives the test preparation at least once, and every test preparation is administered to every subject. At successive experimental sessions each preparation is “crossed-over” […]

Pharmacological efficacy and safety. Clinical therapeutic index definition.

The following pharmacological definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Clinical Therapeutic Index: Some indices of relative safety or relative effectiveness cannot be defined explicitly and uniquely, although it is presumed that the same quantifiable and precise criteria of efficacy and safety will be […]

Pharmacodynamics. Ceiling definition

The following pharmacological definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Ceiling: The maximum biological effect that can be induced in a tissue by a given drug, regardless of how large a dose is administered.

Pharmacokinetics topics. What is a generic drug?

This generic drugs definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine . Generic Drugs: Drug formulations of identical composition with respect to the active ingredient, i.e., drugs that meet current official standards of identity, purity, and quality of active ingredient. Drug dosage forms considered as […]

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