Therapeutic index
Therapeutic index explained through graphs. List of narrow therapeutic index drugs
Geriatric pharmacology: pharmacokinetics, polypharmacy and related topics
Collection of different PowerPoint presentations on pharmacological concepts relevant to drug therapy in the geriatric population.
Video: molecular mechanisms of nicotine addiction
This video explains the pathophysiologic changes behind nicotine addiction, it identifies nicotinic acetylcholine receptor as a key protein for the development of dependence.
Video: agonist and antagonist concepts explained with simple examples
This video was developed by nursing students to explain in plain English the concepts of agonist, antagonist and intrinsic activity. The make use of simple analogies to make clear pharmacodynamics topics.
PowerPoint slides on pharmacodynamics: dose-effect relationship and related concepts
Dr. Edwin Jackson, from the ASPET Division of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, prepared the following PowerPoint lecture on pharmacodynamics, mainly about the dose-effect relationship. The approach is very interesting since its quite clear and simple, but still accurate and thorough. Dose-effect relationships What determines the dose-effect relationship? What is the relationship between [drug] and [drug receptor]? What […]
Video animation: mechanism of ionotropic receptors or ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs)
In pharmacology, receptors can be divided into 4 general groups: 1. Ion channels: Ligand gatedace Voltage gated Second messenger regulated 2. G protein coupled receptors 3. Receptor tyrosine kinase 4. Intracellular hormone receptors: like the glucocorticoid receptor The video animation below shows the activation of a ionotropic receptor or ligand-gated ion channel (LGIC): An excerpt […]
Definition: latent period or latency after drug administration
The following pharmacological definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Latent Period or Latency: The period of time that must elapse between the time at which a dose of drug is applied to a biologic system and the time at which a specified pharmacologic […]
Pharmacodynamics (drug receptor interactions): power point presentation
This document has been uploaded to Scribd by Dr. Robert L. Copeland, Pharmacology Professor at Howard University. It deals with basic principles of pharmacodynamics like: Concept of specific drug receptors, Receptor Types, Ion-channel-linked receptors, G-protein-linked receptors, Enzyme-linked receptors, Intracellular receptors, Log Dose-Response Curve, Agonists (or Full Agonists), additivity and sinergism. You can download the power […]
USMLE-like pharmacology quiz. Part 4: pharmacodynamics
The following are multiple choice questions in a style similar to those included in the USMLE step 1. The main topic here is: pharmacodynamics. This quiz has been uploaded to Scribd by medical student James Lamberg. The correct answers can be found in link at the end of this post. Note: the words underlined don’t […]
Efficacy definition in pharmacodynamics
Pharmacodynamics definition of efficacy.
Potency of a drug. Equipotent drug definition
The following pharmacology definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Equipotent: Equally potent, or equally capable of producing a pharmacologic effect of a specified intensity. The masses of the drugs required to produce this degree of effect may be compared, quantitatively, to
Pharmacodynamics. Half maximal effective concentration (EC50) definition
Half maximal effective concentration (EC50) definition.
Dose response curve definition in plain english.
An explanation in plain english of the dose-response curves, by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences: One of the most important principles of pharmacology, and of much of research in general, is a concept called “dose-response.” Just as the term implies, this notion refers to the relationship between some effect—let’s say, lowering of blood […]
Pharmacology glossary. Dose duration curve definition
The following pharmacological definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Dose-Duration Curve: The curve describing the relationship between dose (as the independent variable) and duration of drug effect (as the dependent variable, T). The slope of the curve is always positive, in contrast to