Second messenger system animation. IP3 signal transduction pathway
Created by Department of Biology, Davidson College, Davidson, NC 28036 More information about inositol trisphosphate from the WIkipedia article about IP3 : Inositol trisphosphate or inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (also commonly known as triphosphoinositol; abbreviated InsP3 or IP3), together with diacylglycerol, is a secondary messenger molecule used in signal transduction in biological cells. It is made by […]
Pharmacodynamics definitions. Receptor desensitization
The following pharmacological definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Desensitization: A decline in the response to repeated or sustained application of an agonist that is a consequence of changes at the level of the receptor. The copyright of the text is hold by […]
Pharmacodynamics. Cross tolerance definition
The following pharmacological definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Cross-Tolerance: Tolerance to a drug that generalizes to drugs that are chemically related of that produce similar affects. For example, a patient who is tolerant to heroin will also exhibit cross-tolerance to morphine. The […]
Pharmacological efficacy and safety. Clinical therapeutic index definition.
The following pharmacological definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Clinical Therapeutic Index: Some indices of relative safety or relative effectiveness cannot be defined explicitly and uniquely, although it is presumed that the same quantifiable and precise criteria of efficacy and safety will be […]
Pharmacodynamics. Ceiling definition
The following pharmacological definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Ceiling: The maximum biological effect that can be induced in a tissue by a given drug, regardless of how large a dose is administered.
Pharmacodynamics topics. What is intrinsic efficacy (intrinsic activity)?
A definition of the pharmacodynamic concept of intrinsic efficacy (intrinsic activity).
Pharmacodynamics animation: full agonists, partial agonists, inverse agonists, competitive antagonists and irreversible antagonists.
First, some pharmacodynamic definitions related to the animation: Full Agonists: Compounds that are able to elicit a maximal response following receptor occupation and activation. Partial Agonists: Compounds that can activate receptors but are unable to elicit the maximal response of the receptor system. Inverse agonist: an agent which binds to the same receptor binding-site as […]
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. What is biopharmaceutics?
The following pharmacological definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine . Biopharmaceutics: The science and study of the ways in which the pharmaceutical formulation of administered agents can influence their pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic behavior. Differences in pharmaceutical properties can cause substantial differences in the […]
Pharmacodynamics. What is a bioassay or biological assay?
Pharmacodynamics definition of biological assay or bioassay.
Pharmacodynamics. Antagonism: definition, types (chemical, physiological, pharmacological)
Definitions of different types of antagonism: chemical, pharmacological and physiological.
Pharmacodynamics topics. What is affinity?
The following pharmacological definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Affinity: The equilibrium constant of the reversible reaction of a drug with a receptor to form a drug-receptor complex; the reciprocal of the dissociation constant of a drug-receptor complex. Under the most general conditions, […]