Definition: latent period or latency after drug administration

The following pharmacological definition has been taken from the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Department Glossary at Boston University School of Medicine. Latent Period or Latency: The period of time that must elapse between the time at which a dose of drug is applied to a biologic system and the time at which a specified pharmacologic […]

Mechanism of action video animation: ACE inhibitors, Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) and the Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System

Also, a diagram of the Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System (RAAS System) physiology. Drugs acting on the Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System. ACE Inhibitors. List of agents Sulfhydryl-containing agents Captopril (Capoten), Zofenopril Dicarboxylate-containing agents Enalapril (Vasotec, Renitec) Ramipril (Altace, Tritace, Ramace, Ramiwin) Quinapril (Accupril) Perindopril (Coversyl, Aceon) Lisinopril (Lisodur, Lopril, Novatec, Prinivil, Zestril) Benazepril (Lotensin) Phosphonate-containing agents […]

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) mechanism of action. A video animation

Mechanism of action of PPI’s. Source: Wikipedia Proton pump inhibitors act by irreversibly blocking the hydrogen/potassium adenosine triphosphatase enzyme system (the H+/K+ ATPase, or more commonly just gastric proton pump) of the gastric parietal cell. The proton pump is the terminal stage in gastric acid secretion, being directly responsible for secreting H+ ions into the […]

Half life of drugs. Video lecture for nurses

This video lecture has as target audience RN’s, it explains a core concept: half life of drugs and its relevance to nurses. More on nursing pharmacology Recommended pharmacokinetics reading Pocket Guide: Pharmacokinetics Made Easy (2009) Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics (2009) Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics (2010) Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 4th Edition (2008)

Protein bound paclitaxel (Abraxane) mechanism of action. 3D video animations

What is Protein bound paclitaxel (Abraxane) ? Source: National Cancer Institute protein-bound paclitaxel (PROH-teen… PAK-lih-TAK-sil) A drug used to treat breast cancer that has spread or that has come back within 6 months after chemotherapy. It is also being studied in the treatment of newly diagnosed breast cancer and other types of cancer. Protein-bound paclitaxel […]

Buprenorphine not recommended for severe pain: NHS Scotland advice

The Scottish Medicines Consortium did not recommend Buprenorphine transdermal patchs for severe pain: ADVICE: following a third re-submission Buprenorphine transdermal patches (Butrans) are not recommended for use within NHS Scotland  for  the  treatment  of  severe  opioid  responsive  pain  conditions,  which  are  not adequately responding to non-opioid analgesics. In  the patient population considered  in  this submission, […]

HIV fusion inhibitors mechanism of action. A video animation

This animation represents the third step in HIV cell entry: fusion. It identifies gp41 as a drug target (Enfuvirtide). Mechanism of action of enfuvirtide (Fuzeon). From Wikipedia Enfuvirtide works by disrupting the HIV-1 molecular machinery at the final stage of fusion with the target cell, preventing uninfected cells from becoming infected.

Clinical cases reporting with reward system

Medical Case Reports sets a innovative approach to medicine 2.0. By using a blog platform, the administrator receives case reports from readers and the rest finds the clinical answer to the enigma. So far, this is not new at all, but what drawed my attention is the fact that users get rewards for their participation […]

Medwatch alert. Topical anesthetics: risk of cardiologic and neurologic side effects

FDA issued a safety warning about the hazards of topical anesthetics [Posted 01/16/2009] FDA issued a public health advisory to remind patients, healthcare professionals, and caregivers about potentially serious hazards of using skin numbing products, also known as topical anesthetics, for relieving pain from mammography and other medical tests and conditions. FDA is concerned about […]

Atypical antipsychotics and sudden cardiac death: medical media coverage

This is a compilation of the media impact of the recent paper published in the NEJM: Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs and the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death. Atypical antipsychotics (Second generation antipsychotics) include: Clozapine (Clozaril),Olanzapine (Zyprexa),Risperidone (Risperdal), Quetiapine (Seroquel), Ziprasidone (Geodon), Amisulpride (Solian), Paliperidone (Invega) Physician’s First Watch Antipsychotics Increase Risks for Sudden Cardiac Death

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