Glutamate receptors

Overview of ionotropic (NMDA, AMPA, Kainate) and metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR).
Heparins PowerPoint presentation
PPT discussing chemistry, mechanism of action, classification,pharmacokinetics and clinical uses of heparin.
Warfarin PowerPoint presentation
PPT on Warfarin pharmacotherapy. Discusses mechanism of action, dosing and target INRs, drug and food interactions, and patient counseling.
Alpha receptors
Alpha adrenergic receptors location and effects highlighted in pharmacology charts.
FDA video: tramadol and suicide risk
EMA: Use modafinil only for narcolepsy
The European Medicines Agency recommended restricting the use of modafinil for narcolepsy only. “The European Medicines Agency has recommended restricting the use of modafinil-containing medicines. The medicine should only be used to treat sleepiness associated with narcolepsy. Doctors and patients should no longer use the medicine for the treatment of idiopathic hypersomnia, excessive sleepiness associated with […]
Caution on olanzapine in adolescents
FDA: Hepatotoxicity with propylthiouracil
The coagulation cascade
Coagulation cascade: several resources (videos, animations and tutorials) depicting coagulation factors and pathways.
PPI – Clopidogrel (Plavix) interaction: the latest news
Clopidogrel (Plavix) and PPIs resource center: updates on the possible interaction between omeprazole and clopidogrel.
Acetylcholine receptors: muscarinic and nicotinic
Overview on acetylcholine receptors pharmacology: differences between muscarinic and nicotinic receptors, classification, location, acetylcholine receptors and ANS.
Animation showing the Jak-Stat signalling pathway mechanism
The Jak-Stat pathway has recently attracted researchers’ attention. This has been motivated by the fact that this pathway is a potential target of future agents for the treatment of myeloproliferative disorders such as: polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, and myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis. The animation below depicts the Jak-Stat signalling pathway mechanism: As mentioned above, there […]
Thrombolytic agents: mechanism of action, indications, contraindications and side effects
Thrombolytic agents are used to lyse already formed blood clots in clinical settings where ischemia may be fatal ( acute mycardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, ischemic stroke, and arterial thrombosis). Very precise indications rule the use of these drugs, which are not free from serious side effects ( bleeding). Outline: Mechanism of action of thrombolytic therapy […]
Geriatric pharmacology: pharmacokinetics, polypharmacy and related topics
Collection of different PowerPoint presentations on pharmacological concepts relevant to drug therapy in the geriatric population.