Pharmacology mnemonic. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins): side effects, contraindications, interactions
Pharmacology mnemonic about: HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins): side effects, contraindications, interactions HMG CoA: Side effects: H epatotoxicity M yositis [aka rhabdomyolysis] _ Contraindications: G irl during pregnancy/G rowing children _ Interactions: C oumarin/ C yclosporine Also, check a related animation on their mechanism of action. Thanks to MedExcel
Pharmacology mnemonic. Beta-blockers: main contraindications and cautions
Beta-blockers: main contraindications, cautions ABCDE: Asthma Block (heart block) COPD Diabetes mellitus Electrolyte (hyperkalemia) From
Pharmacology mnemonic: Beta 2 agonists
A mnemonic to remember the Beta 2 agonists agents: B2agonist……SMART 1)Salmeterol 2)Metaproterenol (Orciprenaline) 3)Albuterol 4)Ritodrine 5)Terbutaline Posted by SDK at Prep4USMLE Forum: Pharmacology Forum
Protein synthesis inhibitors: macrolides mechanism of action animation. Classification of agents
Author: Gary Kaiser Biology Department The Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville Campus Baltimore, MD 21228 USA Email: From Richard Harvey (series editor), Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology (LWW, 2008): “Macrolides mechanism of action (MOA) The macrolides bind irreversibly to a site on the 50S subunit of the bacterial ribosome, thus inhibiting the translocation steps […]
FDA video on Ephedrine and Epinephrine: how to prevent mistakes in their administration.
From FDA Patient Safety News: “Drug Name Confusion: Ephedrine and Epinephrine The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) is warning again about the possibility of mix-ups between ephedrine and epinephrine. Not only do the names of these drugs look and sound similar, but since they’re both used as vasopressors and vasoconstrictors, they’re often stored next […]
Aldosterone mechanism of action video animation
From Richard Harvey (series editor), Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology (LWW, 2008): ” Mineralocorticoids Mineralocorticoids help to control the body’s water volume and concentration of electrolytes, especially sodium and potassium. Aldosterone acts on kidney tubules and collecting ducts, causing a reabsorption of sodium, bicarbonate, and water.
Protein synthesis inhibitors: aminoglycosides mechanism of action animation. Classification of agents
The following animation depicts the mechanism of action of aminoglycosides. This antibiotic class includes drugs such as gentamicin, streptomycin (used for TB treatment), amikacin, among others. Aminoglycosides mechanism Susceptible gram-negative organisms allow aminoglycosides to diffuse through porin channels in their outer membranes. These organisms also have an oxygen-dependent system that transports the drug across the […]
Protein synthesis inhibitors: tetracyclines mechanism of action animation. Classification of agents
Author Gary Kaiser Biology Department The Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville Campus Baltimore, MD 21228 USA Email: From Richard Harvey (series editor), Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology (LWW, 2008): ” Tetracyclines The tetracyclines are a group of closely related compounds that, as the name implies, consist of four fused rings with a system of […]
Animation explaining mechanism of action of glucocorticoids and comparative glucocorticoids potencies table.
Mechanism of action of adrenocorticosteroids – from: Bertram G. Katzung, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology (Mc Graw-Hill Medical, 2007) – “Most of the known effects of the glucocorticoids are mediated by widely distributed glucocorticoid receptors. These proteins are members of the superfamily of nuclear receptors that includes steroid, sterol (vitamin D), thyroid, retinoic acid, and many […]
Alpha 1 adrenergic receptors antagonists (blockers): mechanism of action animation
Additional information about alpha 1 blocking drugs. Source: Bertram G. Katzung, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology (Mc Graw-Hill Medical, 2007) ” Phentolamine, an imidazoline derivative, is a potent competitive antagonist at both alpha 1 and alpha 2 receptors . Phentolamine causes a reduction in peripheral resistance through blockade of alpha 1 receptors and possibly alpha 2 […]
Epinephrine (adrenaline) mechanism of action: animation showing the signal transduction process
Drugs related to this animation Adrenoceptor-Activating & Other Sympathomimetic Drugs:Dobutamine, Ephedrine, Epinephrine, Hydroxyamphetamine, Isoproterenol, Methylphenidate, Naphazoline, Norepinephrine. Source of animation: Lodish, et al., Molecular Cell Biology, Fifth Edition, W. H. Freeman & Co.Developed by Sumanas, Inc.
Estradiol receptor signal transduction: 3-D video animations explaining its mechanism of action.
Two excelent 3D animations about the mechanism of action of estradiol in the activation of estradiol receptor. Additional information from Wikipedia article on estrogen receptor: “There are two types of estrogen receptor, ER is a member of the nuclear hormone family of intracellular receptors which is activated by the hormone 17β-estradiol[1] (estrogen), while the estrogen […]
Zolpidem, zoplicone and zaleplon (z-drugs) side effects profile: Australian Prescriber press release
Hypnotic hazards and effects of z-drugs immeasurable “It is difficult to know the extent of use and adverse effects of zolpidem and other z-drugs (zopiclone and zaleplon) because they have never been listed on the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, senior Sleep Disorders Physician Dr Les Olson writes in the latest edition of Australian Prescriber.
EMEA: Norfloxacin should not be used to treat acute or chronic complicated pyelonephritis
This press release was published on July 2008: EMEA recommends restricted use of oral norfloxacin-containing medicines in urinary infections The European Medicines Agency has recommended restricting the use of oral norfloxacin-containing medicines in urinary infections. The Agency’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) has concluded that the marketing authorisations for oral norfloxacin-containing medicines, […]